20.09.2024 — 06.12.2024
Within Our Shapes
In arrivo
Descrivendo principalmente la figura umana, Regev crea spazi luminosi ed eterei sulla superficie delle sue tele. Corpi e oggetti oscillano in territori misteriosi evocati da leggere sfumature di colore, spesso minacciando di sfuggire completamente alla presa dello spettatore.
Concettualizzando il corpo come un vaso poroso attraverso il quale fluiscono le forze, Regev si impegna in una meditazione altamente personale sulle sue esperienze, alludendo anche a questioni più universali quali storie politiche, confini e salute. Regev guarda alle cose invisibili che portiamo dentro di noi; come i ricordi e i sentimenti vengono incarnati piuttosto che immagazzinati esclusivamente nella propria mente. Questa “mappa psichica”, come lei la descrive, incorpora inevitabilmente l’oscurità inquietante accanto alla leggerezza e alla gioia. Nella sottile delicatezza dei dipinti risiede un'acuta nitidezza.
20.09.2024 — 06.12.2024
Within Our Shapes
In arrivo
Nata nel 1985 a Londra
Vive e lavora a London
2017 MA Painting, Royal College of Art, London, UK
2011 BA (Hons) Fine Art and History of Art, Goldsmiths, University of London, UK
2023 Sunlit Moon, Sapling Gallery, London, UK
2021 Tal Regev, Zabludowicz Invites, Zabludowicz Collection, London, UK
2019 Silence hits in a flash, Alice Folker Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark
2023 Endgame, Secci gallery, Pietrasanta, Italy, Curated by Kevin Francis Gray
2023 Premiers vertiges , ketabi bourdet, Paris, France
2023 Felix Fair, M+B, Los Angeles, USA
2023 Babele, Spazio Musa, Torino, Italy
2023 Les Anneaux de Saturne, Galerie Derouillon, Paris, France
2023 Music in a room filled with smoke, ASC studio’s, London, UK
2022 Little Shop of Exstraordinary Beauty, Alice Folker Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark
2022 Do you feel me, Sapling Gallery, London, UK
2022 Phantasmata, Public Gallery, London, UK
2021 Beyond skin, Tube Culture Hall, Milano, Italy
2021 My Online Bedroom, Mostyn, Wales, UK, in collaboration with Queer Direct (online exhibition)
2020 Women’s Lockdown Art, auction to benefit Women + Health, Zabludowicz Collection, London,
UK (physical exhibition cancelled due to COVID- 19)
2019 December Mostra, British School At Rome, Rome, Italy
2019 Futures of Love, Magasins généraux, Paris-Pantin, France
2019 Artagon live, Cité internationale des arts − Montmartre venue, Paris, France
2019 All in green went my love riding, Calle Zucchero, Venice, Italy
2018 Rituals and Rites, Artcore, Derby, UK
2018 All our Friends, Unit 601f, NY, US
2017 Succumb, AMP Gallery, London, UK
2017 Artagon III, Petites Serres, Paris, France
2017 Show RCA, Royal College of Art, London, UK
2016 Carry on, Dyson Gallery, Royal College of Art, London, UK
2016 Pleasure Islands, Art Work Atelier, Salford, Manchester, UK
2015 Here and There, Linhsu Space 敦南空間 Taipei City, Taiwan
2014 Arts for Hearts, Ivy House, London, UK
2014 Morphol Scowl, Piccadilly Place, Manchester, UK
2014 Birth Rites Bi-annual award, Media City, Manchester, UK
2013 Painting Forever, The Pedlars Workshop, London, UK
2013 Elegy, Guest Projects, London, UK
2013 La Scatola Gallery at London Art Fair, Art Projects, London, UK
2012 Now & Future Japan, Gazelli Art House, London, UK
2012 The Face of the Shape, a collaboration with Daniella Valz-Gen, La Scatola Gallery, London, UK
2011 Urban kvae festival, Mir, Gallery 69, Oslo, Norway
2011 Saatchi Gallery and Channels 4’s ‘New Sensation, London, UK
2011 Art Below, Regent’s Park Underground Station, London, UK
2011 Madeleine in one afternoon,St. Martins in the Fields Crypt Gallery, London, UK
2019 Derek Hill Foundation Scholarship, British School at Rome
2015 Birth Rites Bi-Annual Award, shortlisted
2011 New Sensations, Saatchi Gallery and Channel 4, shortlisted
2021 St. Moritz-Art-Academy, Switzerland
2020 Vila Lena foundation, Tuscany, Italy
2019 Award holder (3 months), British School at Rome
Zabludowicz Collection, UK
Birth Rites Collection, UK