object 193, 2014
61 × 31 × 38 cm
11.04.2024 — 28.06.2024
Tempesta Gallery is pleased to present the bioistic installation and additional biofuturistic works by Ukrainian artist Aljoscha.
Tuesday to Friday
15:00 — 19:00
Foro Buonaparte 68 20121 Milan, MI
Photo by Giorgio Benni
The exhibition provides an immersion into the artist's multiverse of delicately colored and translucent forms, inviting the audience to reflect on eudemonism—the doctrine that considers happiness a natural state for humans and assigns the goal of human life to achieving it—alongside bioethics, which explores the complex moral, social, and legal issues arising from advances in life sciences. Aljoscha's works stand as a testament to the transformations and beauty that can unfold, conveying a message of hope towards a world where the abolition of suffering is not just a mirage but a step toward continuous bliss.
Within the exhibition space, Aljoscha combines his artworks into a superorganism, reassembling and recombining the oldest dreams and hopes of our species. The installation, multicolored yet transparent, extends from the ceiling in an ethereal network of interweavings, inviting awe and contemplation.
61 × 31 × 38 cm
105 × 79 × 80 cm
polymethyl methacrylate, acrylic, oil
88 × 53 × 66 cm
polymethyl methacrylate, acrylic, oil
90 × 35 × 63 cm
polymethyl methacrylate, acrylic, oil
30 × 36 × 18 cm
23 × 19 × 12 cm
22 × 36 × 24 cm
acrylic, resin, polymethyl methacrylate, pigments
25 × 54 × 23 cm
acrylic, resin, polymethyl methacrylate, pigments
10 × 18 × 10 cm
acrylic, resin, polymethyl methacrylate, pigments
123 × 96 cm
oil on pressed wood
100 × 110 × 5 cm
oil and acrylics on canvas
49,5 × 60 cm
oil on pressed wood
49,5 × 60 cm
oil on pressed wood
49,5 × 60 cm
oil on pressed wood
41 × 30,5 cm
oil on pressed wood
30,5 × 41 cm
oil on pressed wood
41 × 30,5 cm
oil on pressed wood
115 × 150 cm
polymethyl acrylate, silicone, and oil on fiberboard
82 × 91 cm
silicone, oil on fiberboard